by Gerard Bennett | Apr 11, 2022 | Homilies
We are at the beginning of Holy Week which invites us to ponder and reflect on the final journey of Jesus. Most of the people Jesus encountered on that final journey were hostile to him. Yet, according to today’s Gospel, six days before the feast of...
by Gerard Bennett | Apr 3, 2022 | History
In the early years while the friary church was being constructed the first friars lived in a humble abode. The remoteness of the friary in those early days ensured a place that was well suited to the practice of solitude and recollection. Surrounded by marshes, water,...
by Gerard Bennett | Apr 3, 2022 | Homilies
I’ve always been fascinated by the mystery of what Jesus wrote in the dirt to so affect the accusers of the adulterous woman. Stoning remains today as a legal punishment in some Muslim countries even though it’s not mentioned in the Koran. In 2021 in Mali a...
by Gerard Bennett | Mar 27, 2022 | Homilies
In Gospel’s like today’s Gospel, people are often told to put themselves in the position of one of the major characters of the story. So, we might identify with the Prodigal Son. I suppose we’re all sinners in one way or another; we’ve all travelled away from our...
by Gerard Bennett | Mar 26, 2022 | Homilies
Pope Francis has spoken on several occasions about his devotion to St. Joseph. He says that Joseph is his favourite saint. This is because Joseph reveals to us how God reveals his plan to us in silence and in rest. Pope keeps a statue of a sleeping St Joseph on his...