Perpetual Novena to St Anthony

Our Perpetual Novena to St Anthony takes place every Tuesday night at 8:00pm. Mass is celebrated and with have the Novena prayers before blessing with a relic of St Anthony. We look forward to welcoming...

Feast of St Blaise

Feast of St Blaise – Blessing of the Throats The feast of St Blaise takes place on Monday, February 3.  As this is a Bank Holiday, blessing of throats will take place after the 9:00am Mass on Monday morning.  Thereafter, the main opportunities for a...

Multyfarnham and 1798

The growing spirit of discontent and political unrest which was manifesting itself among the Catholic rural population of Ireland through most of the latter half of the eighteenth century made itself strongly felt in Co Westmeath in 1797. In June 1796, military action...

Sealed Orders

As we begin a new year, with its traditional resolutions, I thought it would be beneficial to check that our new year resolutions are in accordance with God’s will? And by this, I don’t mean some general sense applying to all Christians, but to the particular calling...