by Gerard Bennett | Mar 18, 2022 | History
In 1268, a group of Franciscan friars descended to the valley of the river Gaine, into an area surrounded by water and marshes. The river Gaine rises near Knockdrin and flows northwest into Lough Derravaragh County Westmeath. This remote area was well suited to a life...
by Gerard Bennett | Dec 10, 2021 | Prayers
Heavenly Father, you inspired St Paul to write in his letter to the Romans: “Let us then cast off the works of darkness and put on the armour of light. ” In lighting this third candle for Advent, may we too accept that your saving love is armour against...
by Gerard Bennett | Nov 19, 2021 | Featured
We invite you to join us via our webcam for all of our services here in the Friary church. These include our weekday Mass with the Franciscan Community, Sunday Mass (and Vigil Mass on Saturday evening) and our very popular Novena Mass to St Anthony, which is...