Multyfarnham Friary in the years 1669 to 1687

From 1669 to 1672 Fr Geanor governed the Province from Multyfarnham friary. Although the friary was located, in fact, at Knightswood, it was, in accordance with a general practice, always referred to in Provincial documents as the friary of Multyfarnham. To this day...

Practising and preaching!

It doesn’t take divine wisdom to accept the saying of Jesus in last Sunday’s Gospel reading that people, especially moral and religious teachers, should “practise what they preach” (Mt 23:3)! Surely it is just common sense? In fact, it makes sense to extend this adage...

Beware of the Blame Game

Beware of the Blame Game It was on a Friday morning when they took me from my cellAnd I saw they had a carpenter to crucify as well.You can blame it on Pilate, you can blame it on the JewsYou can blame it on the devil, BUT IT’S GOD THAT I ACCUSE.It’s God they ought to...

“What do you do?”

Last Sunday (October 1), the friary hosted a group from the Pioneer Total Abstinence Association in the Diocese of Meath, who spent an afternoon of recollection, mainly in the church, but also in glorious warm sunshine praying the outside Stations of the Cross. There...