Outdoor Stations of the Cross – the story

In December 1938, a decision was taken by the friars in Multyfarnham to construct an outdoor Way of the Cross with life-sized statues. Planning was done by Fr Camillus Courtney OFM then Guardian at the friary. The figures were designed and supplied by Neff Brothers of...

The Service of Listening

Having celebrated the birth of the Christ-Child at Christmas, and before that during Advent, John the Baptist’s birth, the Old Testament readings for the First Week of Ordinary Time centre on yet another special baby, Samuel, the first of the great prophets. In the...

Then and now – a family connection over 75 years

This photograph was taken circa 1949 at the outdoor Stations of the Cross at Multyfarnham Friary and shows a group of five men and one small child. The man standing on the far right is John Sweeney from Tullamore, Co Offaly. The man standing second from the left side...

Speaking the truth

Dear friends, before sharing a brief reflection on the liturgy of Christmas week, I would like to wish you all a blessed Christmas season and a hope-filled New Year in 2024. It has been a busy couple of weeks in the friary, especially in the office where the novena...

Multyfarnham Friary in the years 1669 to 1687

From 1669 to 1672 Fr Geanor governed the Province from Multyfarnham friary. Although the friary was located, in fact, at Knightswood, it was, in accordance with a general practice, always referred to in Provincial documents as the friary of Multyfarnham. To this day...