About Open Space

Open Space is a conversation group that has been meeting at the Friary for many years.  Currently, we meet every second week, on a Thursday evening at 8:00pm.    Our group is open to all people of any age.  Our gathering will frequently include one...

A vocation to friendship

On Thursday night we held the fortnightly meeting of our Open Space group, a group that meets in the friary to discuss topical subjects in a safe and welcoming setting.  Most of the members have been attending for years and; if they were not friends already, they...

Good Shepherd Sunday

The Fourth Sunday of Easter presents us each year with the opportunity to reflect on the nature of ‘vocation’ or ‘calling’ in the light of the Gospel parable of the Good Shepherd (Jn 10: 1-21). So, what can we learn from this text and related ones about the ways in...

Keeping Up Appearances

The Gospel readings for Easter Week focus on an empty tomb, but even more on the appearances of Jesus to his followers, the first witnesses to his Resurrection. Strangely, however, the Church’s liturgy does not stress the apostles, but gives us stories on Monday and...