by Gerard Bennett | Apr 10, 2023 | Homilies
Jock Dalrymple was a Scottish priest and spiritual writer. In one of his books he refers to a type of believer who sees religious practice as a fire insurance against eternity. It is safer to keep God happy by keeping his will and avoiding the fires of Hell. But it...
by Gerard Bennett | Apr 10, 2023 | Homilies, Lent
The Scriptures for Good Friday present us with two Passion accounts, that of the suffering servant from the prophet Isaiah and the main focus of today’s liturgy, the Passion of Jesus. Central to the meaning of each account is the issue of atonement. Isaiah proclaims,...
by Gerard Bennett | Mar 10, 2023 | Lent, Reflections from Fr Kieran
“Be ambitious for the higher gifts.” These words of St Paul were addressed originally to the Christians in Corinth who were obsessed with spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues and prophecy. However, these gifts were dividing the community rather than building it...
by Gerard Bennett | Feb 27, 2023 | History
Protestant writers have asserted that the rebellion of 1641 was conceived in the Friary of Multyfarnham. These writers base their view on the depositions of Dr Henry Jones. Jones was the Protestant Dean of Kilmore at the time he made the depositions in question and...
by Gerard Bennett | Feb 27, 2023 | Reflections from Fr Kieran
At Mass on Ash Wednesday I suggested to the congregation in Multy and to those joining on webcam that we might regard the season of Lent as a time of personal and communal retreat. Later that morning I was in the Mercy Convent in Longford celebrating Mass for the...