Open Space is a conversation group that has been meeting at the Friary for many years. Currently, we meet every second week, on a Thursday evening at 8:00pm.
Our group is open to all people of any age. Our gathering will frequently include one or more of the Friars. Open Space is a lay-led initiative, and the views expressed by those participating at any gathering may, or may not, reflect the views of the Franciscans in general and / or the Franciscan fraternity at Multyfarnham. We listen to each other with open minds and open hearts; it is not about agreeing or disagreeing!
A topic is set for each Open Space gathering with one of our group nominated to lead the conversation. After the initial input from the person leading the conversation, it is thrown open to all present to share their personal thoughts and hold a conversation, on the topic of the evening. We gather at 8:00pm and aim to wrap up by 9:30pm.
If you have any questions, please contact openspace@theabbeymultyfarnham.ie.
Would you like to join us? There is no sign-up! Just come along when we next meet. You will find us in the ‘Bistro’ room, to the left of the main entrance to the Friary (as you face the entrance door).
We put up a notice on the website about one week in advance, to remind people about the upcoming meeting and to publicise the conversation topic for the next gathering.
Will we see you there?